srijeda, 17. veljače 2010.

nismo jedini - ovo nije pismo HUŠK-a prevedeno na engleski ;)

Rt Hon Gordon Brown, MP
The Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
SW1A 2AA                                       
10 February 2010

Dear Prime Minister

An Open Letter on the Response of the Government to the E-Petition on Making School Libraries Statutory from the President of the  Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP)

"Reading is a ladder out of poverty." Gordon Brown, 2008.

 It is with regret and frustration that we read the Government’s response to the online petition calling for the government to make the provision of school libraries statutory.

You state that “It is the Government’s policy to put as much money as possible directly into schools’ budgets, allowing schools to target resources appropriately and to make their own choices about their school library provision and book resourcing”.

The government response highlights a common misconception that school librarianship is simply about the provision of books and equipment whereas good school libraries and their librarians are an integral part of the teaching and learning process in schools and make a vital contribution to delivering the national curriculum. Research in this area has clearly shown that schools with a qualified librarian and a good school library achieve better results than those without. School libraries should rightly be a powerful weapon in the government's armoury for increased social mobility and inclusion.

Qualified school librarians help ensure that pupils receive training in information literacy so that they can become increasingly independent in their learning. They help ensure that pupils receive adequate encouragement to read for pleasure with its inbuilt personal and psychological benefits. Librarians are uniquely placed to help teaching colleagues refresh their knowledge of literature. All this will enable our young people to be roundly and well equipped to participate fully in the 21st century.

These are core purposes of schools. Just as it is a statutory duty to employ qualified teachers and deliver the national curriculum, so it should be a statutory duty to provide school libraries with qualified librarians as an essential part of every child’s entitlement to a decent education.

We note that on some matters the Government is prepared to exercise national leadership. It has just given to all schools advice about the provision of Information and Guidance in Year 9 when deciding on their GCSE options. At the very least, we would hope that the government would see fit to extend a similar directive to schools as regards school libraries and also to include them in the school self-evaluation and OFSTED processes so that provision can be monitored.

It is our contention that schools will find that a school librarian with a sensible job description represents a value-for-money option that benefits the whole school community.

Yours sincerely
Biddy Fisher MLIB FCLIP
Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP)

Note: CILIP is established by Royal Charter and is the professional body for library and information professionals in the UK. It has around 18,000 members working in all parts of the UK economy, many of whom work in school libraries.

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